Title I
Lindsey Lawrence, Title 1 Coordinator
What is Title 1?
Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child. The program serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. Mossy Head School is a Title I school.
How does Title 1 work?
The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I. The Florida Department of Education sends the money to the district. The school district identifies eligible schools and provides Title I funds. Mossy Head School implements a schoolwide program.
What do Parents have the Right to Know?
Parents can request and receive information on the qualifications of your child’s teacher; and be informed if your child is taught by a non-highly qualified teacher for four or more consecutive weeks.
How can parents become involved?
~ Mossy Head School will have activities and procedures for the involvement of parents. These activities and procedures will be planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents.
~ Parents can be members of a variety of committees: District Advisory Council (DAC), School Advisory Council (SAC), and School Improvement Team. Our DPAC and SAC assists in developing the Parent Involvement Plan and Parent/Teacher/Student Compact, as well as determining how best to spend parent involvement funds.
~ MHS hosts a variety of Parent Involvement Activities that will give parents ideas to use when working with their children at home. These include: annual Title I meeting; academic parent trainings (Reading/Writing, Math, Science), PreK transition meeting, and Parent Resource Center (PRC) trainings.
What is the School, District and State Report Card?
2024-2025 School, District, and State Report Cards
The Florida Department of Education is pleased to announce the release of the School, District, and State Report Cards in the EduData Portal (http://edudata.fldoe.org).
These report cards serve as a valuable resource for parents, educators and stakeholders by offering greater transparency into how Florida’s districts and schools are doing regarding student achievement and success. It not only provides the performance data, but also contains a State Report Card, educator qualifications and equity, per-pupil expenditures, and national data.
The department will continue to update information in the report cards as new data becomes available, as well as develop new enhancements based on user feedback received through the portal. News and updates about ongoing enhancements will be provided to those who subscribe through the portal.
If you need assistance accessing or navigating the EduData Portal, please contact your school’s Title I Contact, Lindsey Lawrence at (850-892-1290 ext. 2647) or (lindsey.lawrence@walton.k12.fl.us).
Parent Resource Materials
The Title I Parent Resource Materials are provided in our school media center and are available for checkouts. We have a resource library, educational and parenting materials, computer access and other services. You will find resources for parents and children. We also offer a lot of our parent resource materials in our safe lobby in the office. Be sure to check them out! The Title I Contact is available to help you match the resources to your needs. Please contact Lindsey Lawrence for more information.
24-25 Annual Title I Powerpoint
The Title I Annual Meeting is located under Title I Documents on our website.
24-25 School Improvement Plan
CIMS Link to 23-24 School Improvement Plan (You can also view our plan under Title I Documents on our website.)